Becoming A Teacher

It seems that teachers fall into a few different categories. Some of them seem to be born in order to teach, while others may want to teach for other reasons. For example, they may like the idea of working with children or perhaps they may just enjoy the idea of having the summer months off. Regardless of why you want to be a teacher, there are some things that you can do in order to help make it more of a reality. Here are some tips that can assist you in following your dream of becoming a teacher and doing so successfully.

One of the first things that you can do in order to prepare yourself for your teaching job is to learn good time management skills. It is important for you to understand, although there is a lot that is written about time management, we all have the same amount of time in the day. Instead of thinking of it as being time management, think of it as being people management. You are going to need to manage yourself in such a way that the amount of time that you have in a day is going to be utilized to the full. This can assist you, not only when you are actually a teacher but also when you are taking any classes that are going to assist you in being a teacher.

The classes that you are going to take will differ, depending upon your specific needs. Some people are able to get a teaching degree in a relatively short amount of time, while others may continue on with their education to improve their odds of landing a job as well as getting the pay scale that they need. For example, an early childhood education degree can typically be done in just a couple of years, but if you continue on with your education, you can become more specialized.

Another thing that is very important is that after you get the education that you need, you have to be able to land the interview properly. Believe it or not, this is where many potential teachers tend to fail. Being able to go through the interview process is something that can be rather nerve-racking, so it is important for you to practice in advance for any questions that you may be asked during the interview. There are plenty of books that are available on the subject, and you can also enlist the help of a close friend to grill you as if you were going through the interview directly.

Once you have actually become a teacher, you then need to develop the attitude that is going to assist you in making the most of it. In some cases, it is going to be a matter of needing to have a sense of humor, while in other cases it is going to be all about managing people properly. Being a teacher can be very difficult work, but it also has rewards that you are not going to find in many other professions.

Franklin Blooth is the author or this article about getting a Teaching Degree and specifically an early childhood education degree

Lesson Plan Strategies for Substitute Teachers Left in the Dark

Okay so you want to be a teacher do you? Well, in many school districts they are laying off teachers, and there really doesn't seem to be enough jobs for everyone. Of course if you have your teaching credential, or if you've been laid off as a teacher, you might be able to get a temporary job, or some temporary work here and there being a substitute teacher. Indeed, it can be stressful being a substitute teacher, and you certainly have to have your wits about you in this day and age of kids who are out of control behaviorally in the classroom - and no you are not allowed to smack the children, albeit they probably deserve it.

Now then, if you are a substitute teacher, or even if you aren't, you have probably heard the story where the substitute teacher comes to class, the teacher isn't there, there is no lesson plan left, and a substitute teacher has to wing it. Well, if you're a standup comedian and you can tell jokes for an entire period, you might be able to keep them entertained for an hour or so. But the reality is you will be competing with the class clowns, and other kids who want attention, and therefore they can be a very fickle audience. So what the hell do you do?
Well, if you have a 4G New iPad you can go online and there are several homeschooling lesson plans already created for nearly every subject under the sun. Many of these community homeschooling groups put their lesson plans online. All you need to do is figure out where the class is currently, and choose one that is appropriate. The best thing to do is get to school and to class early, and ask the first student who comes then, you need to sit down with them one-on-one, and ask them questions about where the class is, and what they are currently learning.

If you wait until there are a larger number of kids get to the class before you ask the question of where that particular teacher and those students are, and how far they've come along in the subject matter, they will lead you astray purposely, to get out of work, and it will be amazing the amount of BS they will try to pull over on you. If you doubt this, then obviously you don't have very much experience with substitute teaching. Often "when the teacher is away the kids will play," and once they have the substitute teacher on the run - well, you've completely lost control of the classroom. Good luck.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on the Future of Education. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

The Tools and Reasons for Teaching Kids Healthy Stress Responses

Children learn to manage their emotional responses from those with whom they spend the most time, their family, teachers and friends. If you react strongly to stressful situations, then that's how your children learn to react. The opposite is true too. If you under-react to situations, your child may do that too.

Since your children learn from you, managing your stress in a more healthy way twill help set them up for success in a highly-charged social environment. Stress is part of life and as a member of American society there is tons of it to go around. Research shows the more adept we are at managing stress (I didn't say controlling it), the healthier and happier we tend to be individually and socially.

Since you, yes YOU, are the primary models, along with their teachers, for your children, it is imperative you use some basic stress management tools in your home so your kids can know how to take care of themselves. These aren't hard, in fact they are so easy, you will probably laugh and try to blow me off when I tell you about them.

Your children watch your emotional responses and learn from them. First of all, it isn't just about having the tools to manage your responses well, it's how to use them and why they work for you and your kids. I said earlier, your kids watch your "emotional responses." Let's say you get an upsetting phone call and when you hang up your child asks, "What's wrong?" Instead of slamming things around the kitchen, muttering about the caller, and... You get my drift. You say, "I feel so angry, I'm going to count to 10 and maybe I'll feel better. Do you want to count with me?" Your actions not only serve you but your child too.

Yeah, you're thinking, "Right I'm going to say that?" Think about it, this might seem oversimplified but actually it is the simple tools that work the best. You are taking a second to key into your feelings, using "I" statements to say what you feel. You are using a basic, effective stress management tool, and engaging your kid in the process with you. By verbalizing and engaging your child you've just connected with your child on a new deeper level.

Besides kids, especially young kids like to count and like to say their ABC's. This find this ritual comforting and calming. Now you are adding a second level to a fabulous stress management tool, keying into your emotional responses and using them to teach your children to manage theirs.

My name is Kim Bernal Smith and I am the founder of Heart to Heart Communication. I work with parents struggling to create a deep-loving relationship with their children and who want to build a foundation of trust and a culture of acceptance in their family.

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School Teachers - Tips For Maintaining Your Power In The Classroom

Maintaining classroom order depends upon the teacher's ability to maintain his or her own state of inner order, which can be described as a state of authentic peace and poise.

Some students are quite skilled at "triggering" teachers out of their peace and poise and into a state of insecurity.

These bossy or defiant students effectively trigger the teacher's insecurity by creating classroom disorder with impunity.

An extreme example of this is the seventh grader who recently tried to disempower and intimidate his teacher by taking over the class.

His teacher felt publicly humiliated and was stunned into speechlessness as the precocious 13 year old brazenly stepped in front of the class, explaining that he was the one in charge now.

Understanding where a behavior like this is coming from can empower a teacher.

One probable motivation behind the student who tries to run the room is the student's need to regain the sense of power and self-respect that someone has stolen from him.

He may be getting bullied at home. He may feel intensely deprived of something that he thinks all of the other kids have, like a happy and harmonious family life.

Whatever this student's background, he's obviously being driven by the urge to compensate for an inferiority complex that has been programmed into him.

When we understand the motivation behind a student's behavior we can come up with a way to satisfy the motivation that effectively defuses the student's drive to use inappropriate behavior to get what he is after.

In the midst of classroom chaos, though, it can be hard to play child analyst. It is easier to let our emotional reaction get the best of us.

And yet, that may be the most important time to maintain self-control.

You encourage the disruptive student to press your insecurity buttons when you become insecure in reaction to the actions he uses to usurp your power.

The moment you start trying to prove your power you stop really being powerful and begin giving your student more power over you.

When you worry about proving your power in the classroom you are being distracted from using your power to make a real, positive contribution through your teaching profession.

This not only lowers the real value of your labor; it also makes your labor unfulfilling.

You weren't hired to prove your power or your worth to your students. You were hired to do your best teaching in line with the needs of your students.

As long as that remains your primary focus and intention you will act in real integrity in the classroom, which ultimately brings honor to oneself.

To recognize exactly WHAT is truly needed from you in the classroom, you need to maintain your peace and poise.

Just by remaining calm you discharge the student's incentive for trying to take your power, because you are showing him that his efforts are not working.

Beyond that, self-confidence is a foundation for competence. You have to feel secure about yourself to do your best work, to access your highest level of creativity and problem-solving ability.

If you maintain your composure you can be most effective at coming up with ways to help your students feel as powerful and in charge as they need to feel while preserving the classroom order necessary for successful teaching to take place.

The simplest method for doing this involves giving the student a voice. Take time after class to help the student to clearly articulate what he really needs from you to feel secure, satisfied, respected, and supported by you.

Having calm conversations in which you discuss things clearly and without antagonism creates a positive bond between teacher and student that may defuse any possibility of future conflict.

It can also help you to better understand how to satisfy the student's legitimate need for a sense of power, control and self-respect.

Bob Lancer is a motivational speaker, consultant and seminar leader specializing in releasing the greatness in schools and families. He hosts his own motivational Radio show broadcasting to 35 states called Bob Lancer's Parenting Solutions. See his best-selling books and motivational CD's and learn more at his websites at and

Teaching Simple Origami Projects To Your Kids

Paper was introduced and developed in China sometime around 100 A.D. It is also believed that the art of simple origami was practiced by, and brought to Japan by Buddhist monks sometime around 600 A.D. As there is not much history written for that particular period and region, this is a purely hypothetical assumption.

Regardless of the exact beginnings of origami, not many will argue that the Japanese brought simple origami to the higher level of art that it has become. The phrase or word origami is Japanese and is derived from a combination of two words. The first word "oru" which translates to English as "to fold" and the second word "kami" is the Japanese word for "paper.

Although we may not associate it with origami, most of us will remember making simple origami objects when we were kids. My first experience came in grammar school when I saw a paper airplane come sailing through the air from the back of the classroom. It wasn't long before every kid in class knew how to build one of those long sleek simple origami planes from a sheet of notebook paper.

Like everything else in life, one thing leads to another. It wasn't long before we all learned how to create more interesting types of paper airplanes along with other simple origami objects, like boats, animals and many other miscellaneous shapes.

Once you start to delve into the world of origami, you will be amazed at how many ways there are to fold paper. There is actually a "language" of folds associated with this intricate craft which helps simplify the teaching of origami to others. Some of the more familiar and most often used fold terms are "valley fold" and " mountain fold" and are quite commonplace in most origami projects, along with specific fold patterns like "bird base", "square base" and others. These are just the basic beginnings for simple origami, and the possibilities and shapes that can be created are almost endless.

Kids love origami. It is an incredible tool that helps bring out the creative side in all kids. Simple origami projects help us as parents to teach our children patience and also show our children how to complete projects. It is really rewarding to see the satisfaction expressed when our children have completed a simple origami project on their own. Learning origami is a great pastime that really helps our kids to think and work with their hands at the same time.

There are many publications and instructional books available about teaching and learning origami. Although working with the diagrams in books is a good way to start with origami, I have also I found that viewing an online video to be a good tool and easy to follow, especially for your first origami projects. A video that shows someone folding and also explaining the steps as they go is a lot easier to understand than trying to work with just written text on a page. It's a much more simple process to watch someone doing it properly, and then be able to pause the instructional video as needed, do a few folds and then resume again.

Teaching your kids how to create simple origami shapes and animals is a wonderful way to acquaint yourself with a very useful and creative pastime for you and your kids. As parents, origami is a great stress reliever and a good bonding activity for us and our children.

Visit the Money Origami website where you can download free instructions and free videos of simple origami projects, and also some not-so-easy projects. Whatever your choice, you will find that practicing the art simple origami with your children to be quite the fulfilling pastime.

Educational Resources For Families And Teachers

The internet has changed the world, and today there are more educational resources available than ever before, the majority of them for free. And with a shifting focus in the educational world, finding resources associated with education and educational games is easier than ever. You can find resources covering the history of education, the present day, and the future. There are so many different resources available, in fact, that it's never been easier to find all that you need to know concerning education. Whether you're a teacher at a public school, a parent homeschooling their child or a parent looking to give your kids some extra learning tools.

There are plenty of educational resources to choose from. Educational blogs are very popular as of late, and finding good ones that are regularly updated can help you keep current on trends, tools, games, and many other techniques that can be used to truly educate your children. Educational podcasts can provide the same in audio form, and often feature interviews with leading specialists in the educational field. And of course, traditional educational websites may provide you a source of free information, links to great games, shopping sites, and much more. Whatever you need, it's there for you to use if you just take a moment to investigate.

Educational search engines are designed to help you find the information you need and can often give you a look at the inner workings of many educational opinions. For example, game theory can help show you just how and why educational games are so important, and numerous educational websites can help you find out more about it. And educational search engines can lead you to the best programs, products, and course outlines available today. Simply put, the internet is filled with educational resources that you can't afford to pass up.

No matter the age of the children in question, there is no shortage of educational resources available. From finding great audio books for children to just getting some good educational quotes to keep in the classroom, the vast array of kids educational sites ensures that you'll always have fresh material and new ideas to apply in your teaching. Take the time to review some of the options and you'll never look at teaching the same way again. There are simply too many educational opportunities to ignore, and finding them will help you lead your children into the future.

Effective teaching can go along way through the use of these learning games.

Some Requirements in Taking Master Degree Nursing

            Are you a nurse who are willing to get higher salary and more advanced job? If you so, then taking master degree nursing will be very helpful f or you to help you achieve what you want in your career as a nurse. These days, there are a lot of ways that you are able to do to get your master degree. For you who are looking for the easiest way to get your master degree, and do your career very well at the same time, then taking master nursing degree online will be the best way that you can do. Moreover, there are a lot of universities that provide online master degree in nursing these days, so that you do not get confused anymore where to go to get your better education.
            Whether you are applying online master degree or other formal education, to be able to continue your masters of nursing you have to fill all the requirements very well.  Yes, there are several important requirements that you have to concern about if you want to be accepted on either online or offline master nursing degree. The first important requirement is that you have to have a bachelor’s degree in relevant subject. Without bachelor’s degree, it will be impossible for you to continue your study to master degree. Not only that, but you have to  make sure that you have a nursing license that is still active in particular state that present the university you are interested to  apply.
            If you are interested to get your master degree online, you might still doubt the quality of the education that you are taking. However, taking master degree in nursing online will be just the same as taking master degree in formal education. masters degree in curriculum and instruction you get will be just as well as other formal education, except the fact that you have to  do all learning process online. Interested?